The underlying passion that led to this work was the strong desire to create a spiritual growth book for mainstream readers that was both simple-to-understand, and that referenced literally the “best of the best” content from a broad assortment of personal/spiritual growth books that I’d read over nearly a decade. I believe that an introductory book about spirituality has long been needed; the sheer number of books available in these categories make it very challenging for any person interested in a path of self-discovery to choose which one to actually read first!
Spirituality Simplified is therefore intended primarily to serve as a starting point for anyone with a sincere desire to pursue a path of spiritual growth. Additionally, it is an ideal resource for any person already on this path, as it not only serves as a handy reference guide to basic spiritual principles, but also provides a virtual “roadmap” to the works of many of today’s most respected spiritual teachers.
Specifically, within the pages of this book is guidance and example derived from what I have learned and experienced on this path, augmented by inspirational and/or thought-provoking passages on a number of topics from a host of authors, including such prominent names as: Alan Cohen, Deepak Chopra, Anthony DeMello, Dr. Wayne Dyer, Louise Hay, Don Miguel Ruiz, Neale Donald Walsch, Stuart Wilde, and many others. Combined, this content is designed to first provide you with greater insight into the essential nature of both the God-Force and yourself and secondly, to give you a solid overview of basic spiritual principles that is both easy-to-understand and entertaining.
Throughout this book you will also find recommendations for related reading, as well as several quotations from the lyrics of various pop music songs that directly relate to the particular subject being addressed. While the quotations would obviously have greater impact if you were actually listening to the songs, my purpose in using them in this format is to demonstrate that a great deal of modern music does indeed include meaningful messages. The bottom line is that music isn’t merely capable of “calming the savage beast,” but can also be a valuable spiritual growth resource if you pay closer attention to the words of the songs that you hear.