Excerpt 1: “The principle of Oneness states in effect that, at a fundamental level, literally everything in the universe is connected to everything else. This is not merely some idealistic spiritual tenet; rather it has been an accepted scientific fact ever since Albert Einstein and other prominent physicists first established that the atom was not creation’s lowest common denominator.”
Excerpt 2: “As a visual analogy, think of this basic raw material of the universe as resembling the essence of the Terminator character that appeared in those very popular movies starring Arnold Schwarzenegger. This pervasive energy field can manifest in countless numbers of ways, creating the illusion of separateness. Yet in actuality, all of its manifestations share the same basic nature, and are in fact linked. Now if that analogy leaves you feeling somewhat uncertain about the nature of this field, consider this additional one from Stuart Wilde:
Imagine a large beach ball that’s pumped full of air. Take a few Lego bricks and figures from your kid’s toy pile, and glue them on to the surface of the beach ball. Now, imagine that you could turn the ball inside out. The outside of the ball would be smooth, and all the Lego buildings and people would be stuck to the inside skin of the ball. A little Lego person living inside the beach ball would say, “I am over here, and the red Lego building is over there, so the building is external to me.” But in fact, everything is inside the ball-the building, the air, the Lego figures, with all their thoughts and feelings.66
This is a challenging concept for the human mind to comprehend, as obviously it is much easier to see the separation that exists between us and all other aspects of creation.”
[66 Stuart Wilde, Infinite Self, (Carlsbad, California: Hay House, Inc., 1996) p. 30-31]
Excerpt 3: “What is particularly paradoxical is that of all the labels we humans apply, it is perhaps the ‘religion’ label that serves to move people away from Oneness and toward separation more than any other. It really is astounding to me that the same religions that commonly use terms like the “brotherhood of man” and “children of God” are also quick to remind their members of the superiority of their own dogma.”
Excerpt 4: “It is also very important to come to an understanding of what the essence of judging other people is really all about. In particular, the reason that we judge others is that we see them, not as they are, but as we are. In other words, we filter them through our belief system. Therefore, our judgments do not really say anything about the other person; they merely describe what our preferences are. Whenever someone doesn’t ‘match up’ to our personal standards, we automatically place some sort of judgment on them.”